Thursday, September 14, 2006

I woke up hurting as badly as I did the day after the FIRST time I did yoga, it's amazing that I lost so much strength in three weeks. I've been sick so often and stressed that the last month or so has been super hard. You would think vacation would have helped, but even though it was beautiful and I enjoyed it so much I'd go back in a wasn't that relaxing because we had our parents and our son with us. DUH, you would have thought we'd realize that beforehand. Anyway, so I took our little guy and the dog for a walk today and we made good time and I got sufficiently sweaty, enough to feel like I did some good. Must do chemistry, mental health is as important as physical and procrastination and dread do not make the studying/homework go away. Quitting is NOT AN OPTION, I have to stop acting like it is...

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