Saturday, September 16, 2006

I took my bike out today and I really got a great workout. I've only ridden my bike a handful of times, there were always reasons why I didn't get back on again any time soon, and while one is valid (a bit more than scared of being in the park alone because it's very secluded), the rest have poofed into dust. I remember I just came in and laid on the floor the first time because my heart rate was so high and I felt like puking, face all red. My ass bones hurt so badly I thought I needed to buy padded shorts, which I never made time to do, and despite my good intentions I never made bicycling a regular activity. My hubby spent quite a bit of cash on a nice bike and helmet for me for Christmas because I went on and on about it and then I have hardly ridden the darn thing, made me feel guilty.
So, took it out today and rode 3-4 miles in about 20 minutes! That's great for me, the last time I did the whole loop I think it took 30-35 minutes and I was proud of that. There are quite a few hills, monster hills, and I can proudly say I only walked my bike once and even made it up the one that sucks to walk up because it's so steep. I feel accomplished and strong and proud I did it. Tonight is dinner with the girls and I'm trying to plan ahead by pre-reading the menu online and keeping my points low, which hasn't been a problem. Weight back down from the .5 of yesterday, I thought it would drop more-I hate it when my body acts all crazy like this. It doesn't matter, I'm sticking with it.

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