Friday, April 20, 2007

Yowza, I said I was going to focus on my back more and by golly, ouch. Dumbbell bent over rows, Yates row, and one set of shrugs for the hell of it = major soreness today, but as I had to explain to my Husband, that's a good thing. Did one set of dips yesterday too and then a set of extensions with the dumbbell (though I think it was the dips that did it) and damn my arms are screaming. The Olympic lift I practiced with a much lighter weight than I think you are supposed to use (I'm not stupid and don't plan on hurting myself anytime soon) was the hang clean, but with more of a squatting motion like I watched demonstrated on Crossfit. It felt really, really cool. I definitely wish I belonged to a gym that had the equipment to do this for real, maybe the gym we should be joining any time (through Husband's work) will have it and maybe some instructional type folks to help.
Once again I had to fight my way back from teetering towards dietdom again, bleh. I did though and immediately feel so much better about myself and life in general. Amazing. *snort
I will not track my weight. I will not deny myself what I want to eat, with the knowledge that I know what is good for me and really, truly enjoy a healthy lifestyle at this point. I don't need restrictions because I have effectively reprogrammed my brain to want what is good for me, and if I sometimes want something that is not? That is okay, it is life, and I rarely want more than a few bites of something that is not good for me, it makes me sick because I eat cleanly for the most part. Sweets are too sweet for my tastes most of the time and I can have 2-3 bites and be done with it. Now if we could just work on cheese fries with bacon, jalapeƱos, chives, and ranch dressing. Le sigh. I keed, last time we ate that we were both sick for hours and had a hard time sleeping. Speaking of food, yesterday I ate an egg white scramble for breakfast with butternut squash and red new potatoes in it, with half a piece of organic whole wheat toast. For lunch I had my leftover Salvadorian food and a nice big salad with broccoli slaw, organic tomatoes, romaine hearts, cranberries, feta, walnuts, and a lite caesar dressing. So. freaking. good. Yay!
After reading, or I should say devouring the Mindless Eating book LME sent me, in one sitting last night I wonder if I don't care for sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots and pumpkin because I have a negative mental association about them beforehand that makes it taste bad to me. I really wish I liked all of these foods as they are beneficial to your health and make dishes so, so...PRETTY. Meh.


Nuka said...

Congrats on getting down with the weights. That'll be me next week hopefully! ;)

I want to read this book you speak of... hmmm...

M@rla said...

I have a lot of problems sleeping if I eat any kind of restaurant food. Definitely cheese fries would mess me up, but damn that sounds delicious!

Pasta Queen has a funny post about single-leg squats, but the joking aside it looks like something you might want to try, for concentrating on lower body work. I'm not sure I could even do one...

Erin said...

Let me write some notes from the book and then I will mail it to you if you like. That was part of the deal when I got the book, to pass it on. I'd love to share, it was really eye opening, as I said I read it all in a few hrs last night. just email me if you are interested doomlogic at

Erin said...


I read that post of PQ's and thought it was great. I also read the thread at tnation mentioned in the comments. I've actually been considering it since pistols were mentioned and then I read the latest entry of Marn's ( in which she talks about how this is the ONLY exercise she has found that improved her buttal region. I am going to try to do some when I am not so sore, give it a few days from now.
And cheese fries like that? are wonderful magical tasty...sigh, yeah. That's a food I will not give up, maybe just eat less next time and not eat a buffalo chicken sandwich on top of that.